What is the Overall Safety and Success of LASIK?

Q: I am seriously considering LASIK surgery and am wondering about the overall safety and success of the procedure. Are there any long-term complications?

A: LASIK, laser-assisted in-situ-keratomileusis, is an elective, outpatient procedure that uses an excimer laser to reshape the cornea to correct or reduce nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Since 1995 when LASIK was approved by the FDA, millions have had LASIK surgery. Current studies and clinical trials indicate that LASIK is a safe, effective procedure and that up to 96% are pleased with the results of their LASIK surgery both immediately after surgery and over the long term.

Serious complications are rare, less than 1% with the latest technology, and are almost always treatable. If complications occur, it is usually within days or weeks, not years, after the procedure. Common complications may include dry eyes which are treatable and can be closely managed.

As with any other surgery, you will want to be informed about the potential risks, side effects, and limitations of having LASIK. Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon can help reduce risks and enable you to obtain the best possible results for your LASIK surgery.

As for long-term effects, LASIK doesn’t ‘wear off.’ The anatomical changes made during LASIK surgery are permanent. As you age, however, there are other naturally-occurring conditions that could affect your vision after LASIK including cataracts and presbyopia which is the need for reading glasses as one ages due to the loss of focusing ability. Further refractive errors may also occur after LASIK for which an enhancement may be possible to help maintain optimal vision.

LASIK continues to evolve and improve with ongoing research, clinical trials, and evaluation. The resulting data and information, coupled with advancing technology, will help to raise standards, reduce complications, and improve visual outcomes for patients who have LASIK. Though LASIK has changed how millions of people view the world, it isn’t always right for everybody. To determine if you are a candidate, consult with your eye doctor or LASIK surgeon for a complete evaluation and discussion of the risks and benefits of LASIK surgery for your particular vision needs.