What Does LASIK and PRK Eye Surgery Accomplish? Why Would Someone Get This Type of Surgery?

Q: What exactly does LASIK and PRK surgery accomplish? Why would someone want or need to have either of these types of surgery done?

A: LASIK and PRK are FDA-approved outpatient procedures that use an excimer laser to reshape the cornea to correct vision. Either procedure takes about 10 minutes to perform and is among the most frequently performed elective surgeries in the United States. LASIK and PRK can correct these common vision problems: myopia (nearsightedness), when distant objects are blurry; hyperopia (farsightedness), typically near and distant objects are blurry; and astigmatism (the cornea is oval shaped rather than spherical) that can cause overall blurry vision.

LASIK and PRK offer numerous benefits and can dramatically improve your quality of life. While individual results vary, most patients achieve 20/20 vision and are able to drive, play sports, and perform other daily activities without the use of glasses or contacts.

Those who consider LASIK or PRK include many different types of people, vision problems, and settings. Consider: The highly nearsighted person who cannot see even the alarm clock upon awakening without putting on their glasses; people for whom vision is not clear with glasses or contacts; people who cannot tolerate or are highly sensitive to glasses or contacts; those who want to actively participate in sports; military personnel; stage performers; after cataract surgery to minimize astigmatism; and workers whose vision may be hindered by glasses or contacts such as repair technicians, construction workers, fireman, police officers, etc.

Though LASIK and PRK have changed how millions of people view the world, it isn’t always right for everybody. To determine if you are a candidate, consult with your eye doctor or LASIK surgeon for a complete evaluation, to discuss the risks and benefits, and to decide on the best vision correction option available for your needs.