Managing Pain After LASIK

Q: I will be having LASIK surgery in the near future. I am wondering about the recovery process. Will my eyes hurt after LASIK and how long is the recovery time?

A: LASIK eye surgery is an extremely safe procedure that can provide suitable candidates with clearer vision and improved quality of life. Before having LASIK, you will want to talk in-depth with the LASIK specialist who can address your questions and concerns about your specific LASIK procedure including the risks and benefits of surgery, expectations for visual outcome, and post-LASIK instructions.

After the LASIK procedure, almost everyone experiences some level of discomfort that can include dryness, burning, tearing, light sensitivity, or the sensation that something is in your eye. This is all part of the normal healing process. There may also be some intermittent blurriness after the procedure that usually subsides in a few hours. Medicated eye drops are generally used for a week following LASIK and artificial tears are recommended to help manage dryness and for general comfort. It is important that you do not rub your eyes after LASIK as this could dislodge the corneal flap.

While most people experience mild discomfort for a short period of time after the procedure, remember to always communicate clearly to your doctor what you are experiencing in terms of discomfort or pain, or vision changes, so that appropriate treatment may be prescribed if necessary.

There are several additional things that you can do post-LASIK to help minimize any discomfort and help facilitate the healing process. First, be sure to get rest right after your procedure by taking a long nap and then continue to rest your eyes as much as possible for the first day or two. Second, make sure to use as directed any prescribed medications and any recommended over-the-counter pain relievers. Third, wear your LASIK eye shields per your doctor’s instructions. Doing so will prevent you from accidentally rubbing your eyes after surgery and help to avoid other kinds of accidental contact. Fourth, carry artificial tears with you to use as needed to help with any bouts of dry eyes as well as irritation or itchiness that may be experienced during the healing process. And fifth, whenever you are outdoors, wear sunglasses or a hat with a brim to help reduce the discomfort that may occur from light sensitivity.

Recovery time after LASIK varies per individual. Many see a significant improvement in their vision within the first two days after LASIK. Generally, the best vision occurs at four weeks after the procedure and the complete healing time for LASIK is normally six months. After your LASIK procedure, you will have a series of regularly scheduled follow-up visits to monitor the healing of your eyes. Keeping these LASIK aftercare appointments is an essential part of the LASIK recovery process and provides an opportunity for continued discussion with your eye doctor about your eye health and new vision.